is an open, independent catalogue of Government and Local Body datasets.

Welcome to the Open Data Catalogue

Posted: June 4th, 2009 | Author: barnaclebarnes | Filed under: Blog | No Comments »

Looking to download the latest list of Primary Schools? Want to find out the average market rents for Dunedin suburbs and use these in a report? Are you interested in the boundaries of your suburb? If the answer is yes then you may find some of this information hard to come by. Even though this information should be easy to obtain it is sometimes hard to find who to talk to, where to look and worse hidden behind pay-walls and restrictive license agreements. The Open Data Catalogue is an attempt to classify where this information resides, who ‘owns’ it, what license it is distributed under and if it is free or not.

The site is very much a community based affair so if you know of a dataset that we do not have listed then please suggest it here. As you can see *we only have a few datasets at the moment but we hope to add a lot more over time. The datasets listed are the canonical version of the data owned by the Department or Local Council. If you have made derivative works or host your own version of the dataset we would be keen to link to it. Drop me a line and we can work out a way to get these included.

As the site is in its very early stages feedback and comments are welcome and encouraged.


Glen Barnes

glen [at] opengovt [dot] org [dot] nz

*We is Glen Barnes (@barnacleabarnes), Nat Torkington (@gnat) and hopefully a few others over time.
